Saturday, December 15, 2007

12.15.07: Confinement

My mom almost drowned me today.

See, the more you drink with a new kidney, the better your creatinine is. Don't ask me what it is. Just go here and read about it. Anyway, if you drink a lot, the kidney flushes it out, which is a good thing... it lets the doctors know that the kidney is working correctly and that all is go.

Well, among discussions of metric to customary conversions and comparisons of high ball glasses to 7-Up bottles to 3 liter Zephyrhills water contianers, I probably drank well over 2 liters of fluid today. My mom was convinced that the Home Health nurse said to drink two 2 liters. Well if that was the case, wouldn't she have said 4 liters? I dunno.

Anyway, this was all due to the fact that there was really nothing to do today. My mom tried to make me go to the outlet mall across the street, but I just wasn't feeling it. It wasn't the fact that I didn't want to be there, nor was it the fact that it was raining. I just didn't like the fact that I was there, yet I wasn't "in all my glory." I LOVE outlet malls... Gap, Old Navy, Perry Ellis, Timberland... and for the first time ever, my interest was struck by a cooking outlet store! I just couldn't do it. I couldn't hobble around there without being able to freely stroll from store to store and splurge copious amounts of money. There was just no way I could do that. So, I begged to return to the confines of room 104.

Trust me, I had no problem in doing this. Walking back into this room at around 1:30 or so was highly welcome... and you know what? I only left once to go pick up some mail (from Beth and her class and Ms. Virginia and Mr. Terrence).

I played computer games all day long.

It was kind of nice to be geek squad all day long. I liked it. I had nothing really to worry about except whether or not I could clear the level on Bejeweled or make it bast Darla's Diner on Diner Dash (I couldn't).

So being cooped up today was good. And I am feeling pretty good too. I think the mornings are going to be the worst. I woke up this morning so frustrated... similar to yesterday morning. I don't know... maybe because I sleep so well and know that I am waking up to hobbling around in pain, drinking bathtub-fulls of water, and peeing ever 7.8 minutes. I dunno. I am going to blame it on the Prednisonitis... which I know it isn't because I take Prednisone in the morning with breakfast, and there is no way that 24 hours later, it is still having effects on me. I do know one thing... if this means that I am no longer going to be a morning person, I hate it for my kids when I get back to school. Woof...

After I woke up this morning and accompanied my mom in the workout room while she did the treadmill and we watched Robin Miller and Sandra Lee on the most amazing network in the ultraverse, I came back to the room and watched my ladies in bed. Can I just tell you that there is something comforting about the divas of the Food Network while you are laid up somewhere. I think it took me back to ye olde days of dialysis... oh wait... last week. No, seriously, I felt so comforted by them when I would be hooked up to that machine, it was like as soon as I hit the bed and Paula was saying her "y'alls" and throwing butter into everything, I was at home. I was LIGHTS OUT. And Rachael came on this morning too. I didn't even see her, but I did hear her in my sleep... she was making gingerbread waffles. I was just soothed to sleep by the sounds of my girls. ::sigh:: I really am going to miss that part of dialysis.

Maybe this week long recovery from surgery is giving me a chance to get my Food Network fix since I won't be getting it anymore... me, I'm not complaining. The fact that I won't have those 4 hours every other day with them does not hurt my feelings... PRAISE THE LORD for bathtub-fulls of water and peeing every 7.8 minutes...

...I got a kidney.


Robin Grimes said...

Hey Hamilton!

Congratulations on your new kidney! I had no idea that you had progressed to dialysis. Bert and I send our best wishes for a speedy recovery. Even though we haven't gotten to see you in a while, you have been and will certainly continue to be in our thoughts!

Kristi said...

Hamilton, I had no idea all this was going on! I feel like I should have known, how horrible of me! But, I'm so glad that you got a new kidney, thats amazing! And, I'm glad I get to keep up with you better on here, I will be thinking about you! Miss you!

Lauren P said...

Hamilton, I also had no idea any of this was going on. I just got Hoke's email the other day. I feel just like Kristi, I feel like I should have known! I'm so glad that the transplant went well and continues to go well! What a great Christmas gift for you! You are definitely in my thoughts.